Experienced Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys & Solicitors with real world IP knowledge

Regulatory Information

Sonder & Clay is the trading name of Sonder & Clay Legal Limited and Sonder & Clay IP Limited.

Sonder & Clay Legal Limited is registered in England & Wales under no. 11255677 and its registered office is at 16 Lascelles Road, Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 0LA.

Sonder & Clay IP Limited is registered in England & Wales under no. 11562654 and its registered office is at Calls Wharf, 2 The Calls, Leeds, England, LS2 7JU.

Sonder & Clay Legal Limited is regulated and authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA No.  647576) and is subject to   SRA Code of Conduct

You can find out more about Sonder & Clay Legal Limited by using the Solicitors Register

Sonder & Clay IP Limited is regulated and authorised by the Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg) and is subject to IPReg Code of Conduct

Complaints Procedure


We aim to provide a high-quality service to all of our clients at all times and we wish you to be fully satisfied with all aspects of the service we provide to you.

If you have any concerns with our service, the level of our fees, or with the way in which we have dealt with any job, please first contact the person dealing with the matter. If you prefer, you can contact his or her supervising partner/director by telephone, email or post. Their details will appear on the engagement letter you will have received from us. You might alternatively contact your client partner/director.

We treat complaints very seriously and make every effort to deal with them effectively. We will investigate your complaint, and respond fully as soon as possible. Your complaint will be handled by the supervising partner or your client partner.

We aim to acknowledge your complaint within two working days from the date of receipt and send an initial response within 10 working days. Should a substantive response be required, we aim to send this to you within 15 working days. If, for any reason, we are unable to respond fully within 15 days we will tell you why, and when we expect to reply to you in full.

We aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and in any event within eight weeks from the date of receipt.

If you do not believe that we have responded to your complaint within a reasonable time, or you are not satisfied with the response, you should contact the Legal Ombudsman. The helpline number is +44 (0)300 555 0333, and the address is PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ. If you are calling from overseas, the contact telephone number is +44 (0)121 245 3050. You can email the Legal Ombudsman at enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk.

A six-month time limit, from the date of our final response, normally applies to complaints to the Legal Ombudsman. Usually complaints must be made to the Legal Ombudsman within six years of the date of the reason for the complaint, or within three years of discovery of the reason for the complaint.

The Legal Ombudsman will not accept complaints where the act or date of awareness goes back beyond 6 October 2010. Further information can be found on its website at www.legalombudsman.org.uk.

Please note that the service provided by the Legal Ombudsman is only available to certain types of clients/organisations. Further details of those eligible for the service can be found on the Legal Ombudsman’s website. Alternatively, you should contact the Ombudsman on the helpline number given above. You may also complain to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Further information on how to do this can be found at https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/problems/.

If your complaint relates to professional misconduct of Sonder & Clay IP Limited then you can contact IPReg using the complaint form on their website: https://ipreg.org.uk/complaint-form

Non-client complaints

If you are not a client of the firm and wish to complain about the conduct of the firm or its employees, please write to our Compliance Team at Sonder & Clay Legal Limited, 16 Lascelles Road, Harrogate, HG2 0LA, who will contact you and explain how they will deal with your complaint.

©2025 Sonder & Clay IP Limited is regulated and authorised by the Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg), Sonder & Clay Legal Limited is regulated and authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA No. 647576).